Helllllloooo and happy week beautiful humans!! Today I am answering one of my most asked questions as of late, how did my hair go from falling out to healthy? After my year as Miss America ended, I finally took my hair extensions out and started taking serious care of my scalp and hair health. At the time I had tape in extensions for about three years, and I loved it! I had never been able to rock a party pony or flip my hair and I l.o.v.e.d. having extensions in my hair. However, after three years of these extensions and one year of putting heat on my hair everyday (also dealing with a lot of stress), my hair was really sad. It was constantly falling out, was the thinest it had ever been, and my scalp was unbelievably dry (it was scaled, red, itchy, and hurting at all times), and it was then when I decided I had to start taking better care of my hair. This past September I went to Crown Beauty BarĀ and they helped finally take out all of my extensions, and truthfully it was very emotional. I realized that my hair had become some what of … Continue reading HOW I GOT HEALTHY HAIR