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Wedding Workout

Helllooo and Happy Wedding Wednesday!

I am really excited about today’s blog post for it combines a few of my favorite things:  wedding prep, #savvychoices, and how to #eatbetterlivebetter.

For those of you who have just started following me, during my year as Miss America my platform was #EatBetterLiveBetter, which had a goal of inspiring and helping others live healthier lives. During my year as Miss America, the hashtag took on not just the food aspect of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, but all aspects of what it meant to make #SavvyChoices. Wether that was working out, meditation, going on a hike, taking a boxing class, spending some time outdoors, yoga, self care, or eating well, I would share these posts on social with that hashtag, and getting to see how other people were making those decisions towards eating better and living better was selfishly extremely inspiring.

So today, I am giving you all my top five tips on how to make #SavvyChoices in your wedding planning process or in your everyday life!

1. Eliminate soda and all sugary drinks. Sadly, yes, this means fun coffee shop drinks. 🙁 BUT I HAVE A SOLUTION: order regular black coffee with half and half; add some cinnamon.  Summary, don’t drink your calories.

2. Daily choices will add up.  Every day be aware and prepare good food for your body and be sure to move in some way! Also, quick tip, if you don’t have junk food in your kitchen, then you don’t eat junk!

3. Eat foods that are grown in the sun, not made in a lab.  Eat as much foods without a label as you can.  Single ingredient foods; bananas, eggs, avocados, lettuce, chicken, apple, berries, beans, you get the idea.  Focus on what you CAN eat not what you can’t.

4. Schedule your exercise!  Just like you plan those lunch dates, Netflix binges, or any other part of your day.  I find that if it is written down in my planner and I know what the week ahead looks like, it is much more likely to happen.  Also, I’m a big fan of group fitness.  Find a tribe and workout together.  Even if you do the gazillion options on youtube, plan that time with friends and do it together.

5. Get consistent sleep.  Sleep is sooo important.  It’s tied to everything from metabolism to brain function.

You got this! Take control of what you are eating, and make the connecting between what you are putting into your body and how you are feeling! You got this!

SO much love,

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  • Reply
    April 12, 2018 at 3:35 am

    Thanks Savvy! This is so inspiring, i just started doing yoga, and i feel great, and I’ve already lost 10 pounds! 🙂

  • Reply
    Anne Flinders
    July 27, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    I love that you shop at Walmart Neighborhood Market! 🙂

    • Reply
      Savvy Shields
      October 17, 2018 at 1:05 am

      🙂 absolutely!!

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